From Crisis to Cooperation: Japan’s IEA-Led LNG Stability Framework Initiative

Exclusive Preview from the CEDIGAZ Annual Survey of Global Underground Natural Gas Storage

UGS was definitely in the spotlight in 2022/23. The global gas crisis has revealed the strategic value of storage for the market, and its crucial role for security and stability of natural gas supply. The introduction of stricter regulations on natural gas (and LNG) storage is part of the set of measures introduced by governments across the world to tackle the energy crisis.


The Geopolitical Ripple Effect of Israel’s Natural Gas Exports

The development of Israel’s giant Tamar and Leviathan natural gas fields has markedly shifted the regional gas market’s geopolitical dynamics. Israel’s transformation from a gas importer to an exporter has notably impacted its relationships with neighbouring Jordan and Egypt. Israeli exports have been pivotal for Egyptian LNG exports, compensating for Egypt’s declining indigenous gas availability. Jordan, once reliant on LNG imports, cut its LNG procurement, given its access to stable Israeli pipeline supplies. In 2022 alone, according to CEDIGAZ database, Israel’s gas exports reached 2.9 billion cubic meters (bcm) to Jordan and 6.5 bcm to Egypt, contributing to the easing of the global LNG market strain. Looking ahead, Israel aspires to broaden its gas export footprint, potentially through global LNG exports or a pipeline to Europe.

Could Russian pipeline gas return to Europe?

An analysis of EU-Russian Long-Term Gas Contracts

The European Union’s ambitious plans to cut Russian gas from its energy mix by 2027, following the aggression of Ukraine, have stirred significant uncertainty around the future of long-term gas supply contracts with Russia’s state-owned Gazprom.

According to the Cedigaz database on long-term pipeline contracts, more than 100 billion cubic meters of gas are tied up in agreements between Gazprom and European buyers, most not expiring before 2030 to 2035.

This begs a pivotal question: could Russian pipeline gas flow back to Europe under these contracts?