Cedigaz News Reports


Novatek CEO: Gazprom also considering constructing LNG plant in Murmansk Region.

Murmansk is an ideal place today for constructing liquefied natural gas plants, and Gazprom is also considering constructing a LNG plant in the region, Novatek CEO Leonid Mikhelson told reporters.

Mikhelson noted that Novatek was not considering constructing LNG plants in the Baltic Sea, where Gazprom is currently implementing a project.

"By no means in the Baltic Sea. What for anyway? All this travels very well from Murmansk. If one looks elsewhere, not in our country, perhaps, maybe, there is some sense. One could look at many friendly countries. For us, for Russia, I think that Murmansk today is an ideal place [for constructing a LNG plant]," Mikhelson said.

"If we provide a year-round route along the Northern Sea Route from Murmansk to the Gulf of Ob, where our cargo leaves, it will take 1.5-2 days. To make a liquefaction line, though, to install it in the Gulf of Ob, with ice conditions, etc., then there is already large economy on the platform itself. Murmansk is an ideal place for future projects," Mikhelson added.

"As far as I have heard, Gazprom is also considering constructing a liquefaction line in the region," Mikhelson noted. (September 12, 2023)