Cedigaz News Reports


Greece’s DESFA allocates Revithoussa LNG slots for 2029.

Greece’s DESFA said that one firm has reserved 17 regasification slots in 2029 at its LNG import terminal located on the island of Revithoussa.

Last month, the gas grid and LNG terminal operator controlled by a consortium led by Italy’s Snam said that firms have reserved all of the offered Revithoussa regasification slots in 2024 and 2025, while 21 regasification slots were reserved in 2026.

DESFA also completed last week auctions for 2027 and 2028 as part of the annual LNG scheduling auctions for the period 2024-2038.

It said that 4 users booked 21 slots in 2027 and 3 users booked 30 slots in 2028.

DESFA announced on Monday it held for the first time LNG unloading auctions for 2029.

The firm said that 1 domestic user booked a total quantity of 11 TWh, or 17 slots, of the 44 offered slots with a total quantity of 36.5 TWh.

DESFA said the reserved capacity for 2029 corresponds to 17 percent of the maximum regasification capacity of the Revithoussa facility.

LNG deliveries to the Revithoussa terminal decreased 13.7 percent in the January-September period of this year compared to record 60 cargoes and 27.85 TWh of LNG in the same period last year.

Deliveries from US liquefaction plants to Greece reached 9.36 TWh in the period, down 49.9 percent compared to the same period last year.

The Revithoussa facility has a storage capacity of 225,000 cbm and a regasification capacity of 1,400 cbm/h.

It is currently the only LNG import plant in Greece but it will be joined this winter by Gastrade’s FSRU-based LNG import project in Alexandroupolis. (November 21, 2023)